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  • 2021-07-21
      Google  Ads Interview Questions
SL.No Search Network Campaign:
1 what is Ad Rank?
2 what is QS?
3 what is diff b/w manual cpc and automated cpc
4 how many types of automated CPC
5 explain about each automated bid statregy
6 what is the meaning of imp, clicks, ctr,conversions and conversion rate?
7 how will you set up the conversion tracking code
8 how to increase the conversions in search network campaign
9 what is the diff b/w broad match, exact match, phrase match and when we have to use?
10 what is the negative keyword? and how to apply the negative keywords list to the campaigns
11 what is Ad Rank formula?
12 How will you improve the AD Rank
13 what is QS and how to improve the QS?
14 what is the meaning of enhanced CPC? when we have to use?
15 explain about AD Extensions and importance of each AD Extensions
16 Diff b/w the call out and call extensions?
17 How to find which extension is clicked by how many people?
18 How to get more clicks for extensions
19 What is the diff b/w account level and campaign level extension
20 how much the headline and description character limits?
SL.No Display Network Campaign:
1 What is Display Network Campaign?
2 Explain the procedure to create the Display network campaign
3 what is diff b/w the keyword targeting, Topic targeting, placement targeting?
4 what is frequency capping?
5 explain about the metrics in Display network campaign?
6 explain about the metrics after you
7 Diff b/w the imp and v.imp?
8 how cost is caluclated in Display n/w campaign?
9 what is placement exclusion list in disp n/w
10 what is re-marketring
11 how to generate the remarketing code and where we have to add the code
12 what is re-marketing list?
13 how to increase the audience in re-marketing list
14 how to increase the conversions using the re-marketing
15 what is GMAIL ads?
16 how to create the gmail ads?
17 what is diff b/w conversions and View through conversions?
18 How to increase the conversions in Display Network Campaign?
SL.No Video Network Campaign:
1 What is video network campaign?
2 Where the ads will show?
3 Explain about the Ad formats in Video campaigns
4 What is the diff b/w the In-Steam, Buffer and Video Discovery?
5 How CPV is calculated in Insteam Ads?
6 What is the Biding module we have to select in In-Steam ads?
7 Frequency capping in Video network campaign?
8 How to do remarketing in Video campaign?
9 How to show the ads to people, who already watched the videos?
10 How to reduce the CPV?